Jimmy Rupert   #12    Surprising Founder passes quietly

by Chuck Ranck

I got to know Jimmy when he and I became fraternity Brothers of Delta Pi.  He was a quiet-spoken, easy-going, laid-back dude.  He didn’t talk a lot at our usually boisterous fraternity meetings, but when he would chose to speak, everyone shut up and listened because we knew what he had to say would be worth listening to.

When we started our fraternity in 1967 we were in competition with over a dozen other fraternities that had also recently been formed.  All of these fraternities were trying to recruit new members, and it was difficult to make male students aware that we existed.  We spent a lot of time at meetings discussing, debating, and arguing about how to advertise Delta Pi.  Finally at a meeting Jimmy spoke up and suggested that his band could do a concert on campus.  We all were rather surprised that he had a band which he had formed in high school and were a bit concerned as to the level of their musical competency.  He assured us that his band was not a “garage band” and would not cost any money.  Since there was a lack of any better ideas, and that no other fraternity could offer such an attraction, we voted to accept Jimmy’s offer.  We proceeded to advertise Delta Pi’s free concert after convincing the Administration that we would be totally responsible for this event.

On the night of the concert, Jimmy’s band got set up in Centennial Gym, and we noticed that some students started wandering in.  We were openly nervous as to how this gig was going to go over.

Then Jimmy’s band cranked up and we were surprised with the competency of his musicians and shocked at the transformation of Jimmy.  He was the lead singer and he was amazing.  We couldn’t believe it was the same guy.  He was rocking- belting out songs in a style that would have impressed Mick Jagger. The crowd went crazy and the gym filled up as the word quickly spread around campus.  Jimmy was dancing and singing, and really blowing everybody’s minds, especially ours.  He was Uptight and Out of Sight!  They had planned to play one set but the crowd was screaming for more, so they continued.

The concert was a huge success as Delta Pi became the best known fraternity on campus and we had guys begging to join us.   As the brothers who were business majors noted, if this would have been a stock on the Market, we’d all be rich.

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Afterward, we agreed that we should pay Jimmy and his band for their outstanding performance.  He declined to accept our offer as he said he had a number of people ask for a card so they could contact him about setting up a gig with them.

It was a night to remember and to this day I can still recall watching Jimmy on the stage, thinking- what a contrast of onstage and offstage personalities and abilities.   Our fraternity has been a band of multifaceted, multitalented Delta Pi Brothers then and now over the years of our existence.

Chuck  Ranck  11   

To learn more about Jimmy, you can read his obituary. You can find is using the information below:

1) Allen Funeral Home, Bloomsburg, PA

2) obituaries

3)search obituaries

4)type in Jimmy Lee Rupert